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Wilson Network Drives
Staff Drives
Backup Schedule
H Drive |
Primary Home Drive |
Every Night |
This drive is backed up often and has a very limited amount of space. This makes it well suited for office documents and other files that are updated on a frequent basis. |
V Drive |
Secondary Storage |
First Sunday Monthly |
This drive is backed up monthly and has considerably more space available than the H Drive. This is where files should be placed for archival purposes. Pictures and videos are also well suited for this drive. |
T Drive |
Teacher Share Drive |
Every Night |
This drive allows teachers to share files with other teachers. There is an overall size limit on this drive so it is important to remove old, unused files. |
S Drive |
Student Share Drive |
First Sunday Monthly |
This drive enables teachers to share files with students. Teachers have full control over this drive, while students have only read access. **These files will be deleted at the end of the school year!!** |
S Drive |
Admin Share Drive |
Every Night |
This drive is used to share files between administrators. |
P Drive |
Student Drop Drive |
Every Night |
This drive is for students to submit files to their teachers. Teachers can create and delete files and folders, while students can only drop files here. **These files will be deleted at the end of the school year!!** |
X Drive |
Netlogon Drive |
N/A |
This drive is used for providing network services. Files are read only. |
L Drive |
Lab Assistant Share Drive |
Every Night |
This drive is a subdivision of the teacher share that is used by lab assistants. |
Student Drives
Backup Schedule
H Drive |
Home Drive |
Every Night |
This drive is the main file storage for students. Each student has a limited amount of space to save files. |
Q Drive |
Tech Ed Home Drive |
First Sunday Monthly |
This drive is used for storing large files for Tech Ed classes. This drive shares a common pool of space with all student Q drives. |
S Drive |
Student Share Drive |
First Sunday Monthly |
This drive is used to access files that teachers have shared with students. Students can only read files in this drive. **These files will be deleted at the end of the school year!!** |
P Drive |
Student Drop Drive |
Every Night |
This drive is used to submit files to teachers. Students can save files here by dragging and dropping them from another location, such as their H drive. Students cannot read, delete, or modify files here. **These files will be deleted at the end of the school year!!** |
Z Drive |
Application Drive |
N/A |
This drive is used to access various network applications. |
X Drive |
Netlogon Drive |
N/A |
This drive is used for providing network services. Files are read only. |
Y Drive |
Yearbook Drive |
End of the Week |
This Drive shows up for yearbook students. It is used to store yearbook related files. |